When was Jesus Born?

The Christmas story found in the Holy Bible (Luke 2) is cherished by all Christians. The birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the most important event in history, next to the day of His resurrection.

Our Lord Jesus Christ was the ‘firstborn of the new creation’ (Luke 1:35; Col 1:15) and ‘firstborn of the dead’ (Col 1:18; Rev 1:5). Likewise, we are born of the flesh, then born of the Spirit (John 3:6-7; 2 Cor 5:17), and will be raised from the dead (Rom 8:11). This is the miraculous gospel of salvation.

While multitudes around the world celebrate “Christmas”, whether they focus on Saint Nicholas (aka Santa Claus) and/or the birth of Jesus Christ, all Christians know Jesus was not born on December 25th. This date was established by the Roman Catholic church in approximately 360 AD, when they held a special mass to honor Christ, while the pagan world celebrated Saturnalia, a feast honoring the birth of their sun god. This eventually became known as "Christ-Mass". Why would we willingly celebrate Christmas on December 25th, knowing its pagan origins? Does it attract those of the world to the true God when they confuse the birth of YHWH with the birth of the Roman sun god? Why not celebrate the birth of Christ on His true birthday? Is He pleased? That is the question.

You may be shocked to find out that 'Mass' actually means DEATH ~ quite the opposite of BIRTH! Christ-Mass is interpreted DEATH of CHRIST.

My subjective thoughts on the matter include how many of our celebrated ‘holy days’ (aka holidays) revolve around ‘saints’. Clue? Saint Valentine, Saint Patrick, All Saints Day, Saint Nicholas…come on. How blind are we? None of these saints are in the Bible. While the world may celebrate those they've deemed as ‘saints’ (who have passed on, no less), I celebrate the living God with the living saints (followers of Christ)! While Catholicism embraced pagans and their practices in order to grow their members, that and their ongoing violation of the second commandment tell me NOT to follow them down that road. Is it not ironic that the true saints of God who opposed the RCC were burned at the stake?

There are many historical and pivotal events in the history of the Church. Why don’t we move to make straight the crooked ways of the world? This is hardly martyrdom, in comparison to what the saints back in that day suffered. Did you know the Bible gives us clues to the exact date, and even the timeframe of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? You might be surprised to find it appears to be September 11, 3 BC


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